The Praesidium is a Presence of Mary

Jim Daly
August 6, 2020
Ch 19   No. 23

The Praesidium is a group of individuals organized to assist in the apostolate of the Church. We interact with people. We work to advance God's kingdom. In the Praesidium we are organized. When people organize they can do great things.

Mary is the mother of the Church. Just as she was the mother of Jesus, she is now the mother of the Body of Christ, the Church. Jesus assigned her this role from the cross.

Mary watches out for us. She sustains us. In turn we give her a presence in Ave Maria.

Doing our work, we are assisting her as she cares for the Body of Christ.

We should recognise that each member of the Praesidium has a special role to play. Each has been chosen for a particular work.

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.