The Meeting

Jim Daly
September 5, 2021 Ch 11   No. 5

The reading talks about the importance of the meeting.

At the meeting we pray, we get our assignments, we report on our work, and we hear the reports of others.

The Legion meeting is Mary's engine of war. We get grace and we are strengthened at the meeting. We need not worry if our work will be fruitful. Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort says,

"It is Mary alone who knows perfectly where lies the greatest glory of the Most High."
Mary is at the meeting. She bestows the grace we need to do our work.

The main purpose of the Legion is the sanctification of its members. This is achieved by the doing of the work. In reaching out to others we grow in our faith.

The meeting is the heart of the Legion system. It pumps grace into our work.

Jesus has already won the battle.

In doing our work we help Mary in her role as mother of the Church. Our success is assured.

Mary Queen of the Legion, pray for us.