The 72 Sent by Jesus

Jim Daly
November 30, 2020

Although the Legion of Mary is only a little over 99 years old, the type of work done by the Legion has been going on since the time of Jesus.

In Luke 10:1 it says,

"Jesus sent out the 72 to go before Him in pairs to every place He was to visit."
He gave them power to overcome the enemy. He promised that nothing would hurt them. When they returned they marveled at their success.

So today Legionaries go out 2X2 for the same purpose, with the same message. We talk to people and encourage them to come closer to Jesus. I have heard many exceptional stories of success told by Legionaries when they return and report at the Legion meeting.

Then in the next verse, Luke 10:2, Jesus says,

"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the Master of the Harvest to send out laborers for His harvest."
The harvest is indeed great. The Holy Spirit is at work in people's hearts. Many are ready for conversion. They just need someone to give them a Rosary or holy card. Or encourage them to return to the Sacraments.

More evangelization is needed. If there were more Legionaries, more people could be contacted.

Pray to the Master of the Harvest for the extension of the Legion of Mary.