Membership Requirements

Jim Daly
Handbook Ch 13
February 13, 2022

The Handbook specifies the requirements for membership in the Legion of Mary

Membership, for both active and auxiliary is

  1. Open to all Catholics who:

    1. faithfully practice their religion;
      If someone does not accept the Churches teaching or is unable to receive Communion, they are not eligible for membership. They are not faithfully practicing their religion.

      Non-Catholics can not be members. If a non-Catholic wants to be an Auxiliary, they should be encouraged to say the Rosary and Legion prayers, but kept on a separate roll and invited to participate in all Legion functions.

    2. want to join

    3. will do their Legion Duty

  2. They need to join a Praesiduim.

  3. They must be approved by the president of the Praesidium.

  4. New members are on probation for 3 months.